Töihin Santanderille

Mitä jos tulisit töihin meille?

Avoimet työpaikat

ServiceDesk Analyst – 1st line

As an organization we are continuously changing. This makes us not just one of the biggest financial institutions in Europe, but also one of the most exciting ones to be employed in. Being agile and adaptable to new technology plays a big role in who we are and what we offer. Now, we are strengthening our pan-Nordic organization, and as a part of this journey we are hiring a ServiceDesk Analyst. This is a temporary position until 31st December 2025.

About the role

As a 1st line ServiceDesk Analyst, we think you have a genuine interest within IT and Technology and have general IT knowledge. As well as you enjoy developing within this field and industry. This role requires daily presence (Mon-Fri) at our office.

Tasks and responsibilities in the role include:

  • Be the friendly and knowledgeable person our clients hear and meet first, as you promtly and professionaly adress thier technical inquiries during drop ins and over the phone
  • Skillfully log and manage tickets, ensuring that all pertinent information is accurately captured for further analysis and resolution
  • Collaborate with our onsite support teams, efficiently dispatching them to resolve issues that require hands-on assistance
  • Provide initial troubleshooting steps and solutions to common technical problems, helping clients get back on track swiftly
  • Positive relationships with clients by delivering exceptional customer service with each interaction
  • Prepare equipment for clients including laptop installations

Who are we looking for

This role is a good match for you if you are passionate about hardware and software, enjoy working in a collaborative team environment, and are dedicated to delivering high-quality customer support.

When evaluating candidates, we will emphasize the following experience, traits and qualifications:

  • Good knowledge, understanding experience with a wide variety of industry standard infrastructure hardware, tools, and software
  • Proven troubleshooting skills
  • High school diploma
  • An easy-going, social personality with a structured and forward-thinking approach
  • Service- minded
  • Native-level Swedish and fluent in English (both written and oral)

We offer

  • An opportunity to work in a large, high-performing international company, in a dynamic environment that is constantly changing
  • A corporate culture that is professional and dynamic, yet informal. Bureaucracy is kept to a minimum, as we expect our skilled employees to make long-lasting and impactful decisions to shape our future
  • Highly competent, dedicated, and friendly co-workers with strong collaboration across the Nordics


If you have the right profile and enthusiasm, please submit your application and CV via the link. The position is to be filled as soon as possible, so we therefore encourage you to send your application as soon as possible and no later than 17th February 2025. If you have questions, feel free to contact Jeanette Lindmark (jeanette.lindmark@gruposantander.com).

Lue lisää ja hae

Risk MI Specialist / Senior Risk MI Specialist

Do you want to be part of a highly diverse international team working together to deliver on IFRS9 loan loss information? We are looking for you if you have an analytical mindset, take initiative and enjoy working in collaboration with others. Our team performs in a highly integrated environment preparing risk reporting for a broad range of stakeholders. We excel at working with data and analytics to provide insight into our bank’s risk and opportunities. We are looking for a well-rounded individual who has worked with reporting before and has experience in working with documenting the finer points of applying IFRS9.

The Risk MI department is a part of the Enterprise Risk Management function and is made up by a Nordic team of analysts and specialists with main focus on reporting and investigation of credit risk related matters.

As a Risk MI Specialist, your main area of responsibilities covers the running and upkeep of the IFRS9 Engine and the Santander Nordic Default engine to support the bank's provision process and the reporting of losses in accordance with IFRS9 throughout its reporting cycles: pre-close, month close, budgeting and forecasting. You will support the Risk MI team in proving supporting analysis to transform the data reported into meaningful management information.

You will be interacting with our HQ counterparts, our local IFRS team and our auditors in matters related to the IFRS9 provisioning process. Change management and related controls are an important aspect of your responsibilities to ensure high quality and continuity, and will require collaboration with IT and Data management teams. As steward of our IFRS9 data asset, many reporting and change initiatives will require connection to our data in a structured way, which you will play a key role in delivering.

You will be working with a Nordic team, supporting the end-to-end closing process for the bank where your responsibilities include proactive planning, monitoring and mitigating action to ensure delivery on time and with quality.

You will be working in a vital area of Santander´s risk strategy and your daily job will involve collaboration across the different departments inside Risk such as Risk Data and Modelling teams to support the IFRS9 model update process for the bank and to help deep dive on analytics to understand the loss results associated to various product lines.

Data is an essential part of all risk processes to identify, measure and mitigate risks inherent to our core business activities.

Main activities

  • Performing data mining/extraction and analytics to problem solve, understand closing results and improve forecasting capabilities while using BI tools for results visualization, reporting improvements and automation
  • Delivering on process improvements towards common, documented, best practice ways of working with various stakeholders in the company (current development on transitioning report/processes to Python)
  • Performing monthly reports, processes and analysis for loan losses across a mix of products and/or countries
  • Working together with Risk and Business Units in driving change processes for improvements, harmonization and regulatory updates
  • Implementing updates to internal policies and upkeeping documentation for reporting and accounting decisions related to loan losses (e.g. accounting memos)

Lue lisää ja hae

​Santander työnantajana

Olemme kuin perheyritys. Meillä on ketterä organisaatio, jossa päätöksiä tehdään ripeästi ja eletään tilanteen mukaan. Matala hierarkia varmistaa sen, että jokaisella on mahdollisuus saada äänensä kuuluviin ja apua tarvittaessa. Joustavassa organisaatiossamme tehtävät ovat monipuolisia, ja sisäinen liikkuvuus on vilkasta.

Uudelle työntekijälle nimetään aina perehdyttäjä, joka auttaa häntä pääsemään nopeasti sisään Santanderin maailmaan. Järjestämme työntekijöille mahdollisuuksia tutustua myös toisten osastojen tehtäviin. Panostamme jatkuvasti esimiestyön kehittämiseen. Vaikka tavoitteet ovat kovat, toimistossamme nauru raikaa ja ilmapiiri on kannustava. Lue lisää meistä.

Tervetuloa iloiseen joukkoomme!

Illustration av en flicka med röd tröja som tittar i en dator


​Lähetettyäsi meille hakemuksen, saat sähköpostiisi vahvistusviestin hakemuksen perille saapumisesta. Tarkistathan siis hakulomaketta täyttäessäsi, että sähköpostiosoitteesi on oikein. Olemme kaikkiin hakijoihin yhteydessä rekrytointiprosessin edetessä joko puhelimitse tai sähköpostitse.

Tehtävään sopivimmat hakijat kutsutaan haastatteluun yleensä kahden viikon sisällä hakuajan päättymisestä. Haastattelu kestää noin tunnin ja tehtävästä riippuen haastattelukierroksia voi olla useita. Haastattelun tarkoituksena on selvittää puolin ja toisin, kuinka osaaminen, kokemus ja toiveet kohtaavat. Yritykseemme voit tutustua kotisivuillamme.  Vastaamme myös mielellämme haastattelun aikana kysymyksiisi niin yrityksestä kuin työtehtävistäkin.

Pyydämme hakijoilta haastattelussa suosittelijoiden tiedot ja luvan olla yhteydessä heihin. Toisinaan apuna käytetään myös soveltuvuusarviointia, joiden tekemisessä käytämme Helsingissä sijaitsevaa psykologitoimistoa. Haastattelussa sinulle kerrotaan tarkemmin rekrytointiprosessin etenemisestä.

Henkilötietolain (523/99) 10§ mukainen rekisteriseloste Santander Consumer Finance Oy:n työnhakijarekisterille ›